"The Quiet Saint" by artist Larkin Cypher
Acrylic, crochet, cast polymer, resin, lapis lazuli
Approximately 9x11" outer dimensions
"The Quiet Saint" by Larkin Cypher
The Client purchases the artwork from Gold Door Gallery and makes payment for price of artwork. If the Client is choosing to have the artwork shipped, Gold Door Gallery will contact the Client for accurate shipping address. Once confirmed, Artist will be contacted for price, and an invoice will be sent to the Client for shipping cost.
Disclaimer: All shipping costs will be at the expense of the Client. When giving a quote and shipping artwork, Artist MUST include tracking and signature confirmation in the cost, unless otherwise agreed upon with Gold Door Gallery and Client.
Within 5 (Five) days, Gold Door Gallery will send payment of the Shipment amount to the artist, with all shipping information, after the Client purchases the artwork.
Within 2 (Two) weeks, Artist will ship artwork directly to the Client, at the address the Client has provided to Gold Door Gallery.
If artwork is purchased at a show, Client can choose to pickup artwork at the end of an exhibit or as soon as possible if the specific piece in question is not involved in a showing. Therefore, no shipping or shipping cost will be required. UNLESS- If not picked up 2 weeks after payment is received, and choosing a "pickup" option, the client will need to opt for the shipping option and pay the shipping fee, or forfeit their payment and the piece of work.